Fall Colors

Fall Colors
"The greatest work you will ever do will be within the walls of your own home." - Harold B. Lee

Monday, April 29, 2013

Softball Season!

Last month the girls received an announcement from the school that city league softball was starting up.  They have never had an interest in playing Little League before but they were excited at the prospect of trying it out.  We happily signed them up on the specified day and awaited hearing what team they would be put on.  About a week before try-outs Mark received a call from the league asking him to please coach a team and he decided to go for it!  It wouldn't be that big of a commitment, right?
Wrong!  Little League is huge around here and it takes up about three nights a week between practices and games.  The teams had to be chosen, the practice fields divied out, uniforms ordered, and helpers to find.  Each night of practice Mark and the girls rush home and we hurriedly try to get them through the nightly routine of bathing, family scripture study, and family prayer.  It's been a little bit stressful  but last week they had their first game and both girls did great.  Emma had the first hit on our team and she scored the first run.  Sam had a great hit, too.
We are really proud of them for being willing to try new things and it's wonderful to learn to work with a team.  They are trying out different positions and really enjoying having their daddy around for the whole thing!  Go Team McDonalds!!!

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