Fall Colors

Fall Colors
"The greatest work you will ever do will be within the walls of your own home." - Harold B. Lee

Friday, February 15, 2013


For the past several weeks Emma has been participating in after-school basketball.  The fourth and fifth graders learn how to play and then get to have games against the other elementary schools in the area.  We weren't sure that Emma would be interested in basketball but she decided she wanted to try it out.  She had a few team practices and then the games began.  Emma did really well but she wanted her dad to take her up to the church gym to do a little extra practicing on the weekend and work on a few specific skills.
While Mark and Emma did some drills, Samantha and I shot some baskets at the other end of the court and played HORSE.  Unfortunately, the game did not go in Sam's favor so we decided it was best to just play and shoot around. 
Even Clara got in on the action!  She had a fabulous time just running her little heart out all over the gym.  She was exhausted by the time we left.  She would run a few steps and then stop and walk, then she would try to run a little more, but she would have to stop and walk again.  It was adorable!
Yesterday was Emma's last game.  For those of you who know Emma - you know that she loves to read, play on the computer, and hang out in her room.  Running has never been a favorite activity of hers.  However, we were so impressed with her skills!  She got better and better with each game and would be more and more excited about her progress.
She is a great hustler, she made a basket or two, stole the ball, blocked shots, rebounded, and even knocked a couple of girls over in the process.  Of course, we told her to be more careful but secretly Mark and I were high-fiving each other at how aggressive she was on the court!
She really had a good team with wonderful coaches who came over from the University to help out.  They were so nice and encouraging.  Plus, they had goody bags and treats for the girls after the game which was a huge PLUS!
I think Emma has found a sport that she really loves and so we will keep practicing and get ready for next year!  Way to go Emma!

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