Fall Colors

Fall Colors
"The greatest work you will ever do will be within the walls of your own home." - Harold B. Lee

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Halloween Festivities

We tried to do lots of fun activities during the Halloween season.  We always make a trip to the pumpkin patch so the kids can get pumkins and go through the scary corn maze.  This year we went with our friends, the McIlmoils, and the girls really enjoyed themselves running around with their friends.
Here is Emma sitting on the Castle that was made out of bales of hay - so creative! 
For costumes this year, Emma was a Diva!  She had a lot of input and really liked putting her costume together.  The schools always do a parade with all of the classrooms so the parents can come and see their children.  Since our kids attend separate schools, I went to Emma's parade and Mark went to Samantha's parade.  It worked out just fine, except I didn't get any pictures of Samantha!  What a horrible parent I am!  I'll have to take a picture of her later just to show that she did have a costume and she went as a Karate Girl!  They also were able to wear their costumes the next night to our ward Chili Feed and Trunk-or-Treat that I was in charge of.  It was pouring rain and both girls were soaked to the bone, but they had a wonderful time and definitely filled their trick-or-treat bags.
Emma and Sam had no problem this year getting their hands dirty when it came to carving the pumpkin this year! 

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