Fall Colors

Fall Colors
"The greatest work you will ever do will be within the walls of your own home." - Harold B. Lee

Thursday, September 1, 2011

First Day of School!

This week marked the beginning of the new school year!  Hooray!  I have really enjoyed having my girls home with me this summer and we had lots of fun......but it was definitely time to go back to school and get in a good routine again.  This year Emma is in third grade!  I can't believe how the time has flown by with her.  She is more grown up each day.  Her teacher is Mrs. Boyd and Emma was anxious to be in her class.

Samantha is in first grade now!  I don't know how I feel about having her in school all day - it is going to be very strange for me to not have her here during the day.  But she has been so excited!  It's all we heard about all summer.  First graders in our district begin on a staggard start.  They only go once the first week and for just two and a half hours so they can get used to the classroom and the rules of the school, as well as go through some testing to see what levels the children are at.  Samantha started on Wednesday afternoon and her teacher is Mrs. Cadwell.

Both girls have enjoyed their first week and really like their teachers!  We're keeping our fingers crossed that the excitement continues throughout the next nine months - Hopefully this will be another successful year

1 comment:

Kim and Jim said...

Isn't it strange when they start going to school all day? Aspen really wasn't looking forward to it... she was excited about school, but kept reminding me about how much less "play time" she was going to have after school. And she's right... she gets home at 4:15, and by then I am getting dinner started, then it is time for homework then bed! So it was quite an adjustment for her. I think it is a really good idea to stagger the kids the first week, in 1st grade. They do give them an open house right before school starts, so they can go in and meet their teachers & see their new room & such. Both your school girls are looking so much more grown-up! I am sure they are just loving that new baby sister! How are you holding up? I know those first few months are just killer- when you are so desperately tired, but not able to get too much sleep. I hope little Clara will be a good nighttime sleeper for you. Tysen is almost 2, and I still struggle with him at night every now and again. Fortunately, we now have all 3 kids in 1 room and MOST nights it works out ok.
Love you!