Fall Colors

Fall Colors
"The greatest work you will ever do will be within the walls of your own home." - Harold B. Lee

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Yard Transformation

Now that spring is arriving Mark has been extremely anxious to get out and get going on more yard projects as we slowly transform things to the way we have envisioned.  We've had a couple of warm days mixed in between snow days so he was able to work on our berries and getting them transplanted.  He made a nice strawberry patch on the west side of our house and added in some white rock to accent it.  It looks so nice!
Here is another view....raspberries on the right, strawberries on the left, and a walking path in between leading to our garden.
He is also fixing up a nice flower bed for me in the front yard.
The outside of the fence was where half of our blackberry bushes were as well as a very large honeysuckle bush.  He cleared them all out and transplanted the berries to the other side of the fence.
The blackberries are all fenced in with a nice walking path in front.
With all of the cleaning up he did.....now it is time for a trip to the dump!
We figure we have about two and a half more months to get things looking the way we really want them to by the time summer is here and school is out.  Then we can spend the rest of the summer concentrating on the garden and having FUN!


Shellie and Joshua said...

The yard looks so nice. Someday I will see it!

Tracie said...

Such a lot of work, but it will be a blessing to have it all done. Looking really good there!