Fall Colors

Fall Colors
"The greatest work you will ever do will be within the walls of your own home." - Harold B. Lee

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


In the next few weeks we will be moving to a new home which will bring lots of changes for Clara.  She will be in a new house with her own new bedroom and hopefully a nice new "Big Girl" bed!  Since that means several changes at once we decided that we should try to begin the transition from her crib to a bed before she moves into a new room.  We didn't want to throw too many changes her way at once.  Her crib was great but it is time consuming to take apart and put back together so we thought it would be nice to have one less hassle when we move.  We knew she would love seeing her new bed!  We put it low to the floor, added her favorite stuffed animals, and included a big new pillow to snuggle with. 
We told her how exciting it was and what a big girl she is becoming!
She seemed very happy and thrilled with all of the attention!  This was going to be a breeze!!!!  I laid her down for her nap with her Ba-Ba (bottle with milk) and turned on her fan and quietly snuck out and closed the door.  A few minutes later.........
......THIS is what we found!   She very successfully pulled out her drawers from her dresser and then proceeded to scatter her clothing everywhere!
And knowing that only Clara would want to ADD to the chaos, she got into her collection of Lincoln Logs and Legos and dumped them all out as well!  Bless her heart....
It's possible we were a little too confident in her ability to transition to her new bed.  Unfortunately, we had already taken her crib to the D.I. pod where it is gone forever.  Thankfully we have a wonderful play pen that is working quite well for her to sleep in and keeps her contained.  Perhaps it will be her "transition" for now and we will try with the big bed another time. [SIGH....]

1 comment:

Kim and Jim said...

Oh, joy! I honestly keep my kids in the crib until they are about to break it because they are too big :) Of course, so far none of my kids have climbed out of the crib more than once. That first fall has been all it took on all 3 to convince them to stay in until we put them in a bigger bed. Madi actually still sleeps in the crib :)
Good luck in the new house! Did you just get something bigger, or did you move to a different town?