Fall Colors

Fall Colors
"The greatest work you will ever do will be within the walls of your own home." - Harold B. Lee

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Our Mountain Valley

This spring I have enjoyed doing quite a bit of hiking and walking with friends.  I absolutely LOVE it - it's a great workout and in our area there is so much beauty this time of year!  Each weekend we choose a different trail to go on and we spend a couple of hours hiking and exploring.  I don't usually have my camera with me but this past Saturday I went by myself and decided to hike up to Morgan Lake and I brought the camera along.  It is quite the hike and I was lucky enough to have Mark meet me half way up with the van so we could have a little time together enjoying our surroundings.

I am so blessed to live in the area that we do.  The mountains and trees are green and lush - the vegetation is fragrant and beautiful.  For me, there is something about nature that helps me feel close to my Heavenly Father.  He created all of this beauty for us to enjoy.  Since I was 18 I have lived near mountains and they have become very important to me.  I can walk the trails and ponder my life and all of my blessings.  It is invigorating and a true gift!  I am not a trained photographer so I can't do this landscape justice - you will just have to come visit so you can experience it in person!!!!

1 comment:

Kim and Jim said...

SO beautiful, Wendie! I wish we had a lake up here. The swimming pool just doesn't quite do it justice.

I agree with you, the mountains are a very special and sacred place to be. Especially in the spring & summertime when everything is so green and fragrant!