Fall Colors

Fall Colors
"The greatest work you will ever do will be within the walls of your own home." - Harold B. Lee

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter, Happy Spring!

'Tis the Easter season and with that comes the annual coloring of the eggs.  Even Clara tried to get in on the spirit and she and I did a couple of eggs together.  She had lots of fun trying to do what her big sisters did.

Daddy was a good helper, too.

Easter morning dawned pretty chilly actually so the girls went outside to hunt for Easter eggs with coats on.  Clara was LOVING being outside and she was very happy to carry around her own basket......so adorable.

Emma and Samantha are good sports and helped their baby sister find some eggs for herself.  They walked around with her and pointed out the eggs to pick up.

She really had a good time and all the girls were loaded up with candy and eggs and sweet things.....
 They also each received a new Easter dress for Church and all three girls were beautiful.
How blessed we are to have such a special family and even though we did alot of Easter bunny activities, we are so thankful for the Gospel and what this holiday represents for us.

1 comment:

Tracie said...

Cute girls! So glad you all had such a Happy Easter!