Fall Colors

Fall Colors
"The greatest work you will ever do will be within the walls of your own home." - Harold B. Lee

Monday, September 24, 2012

A few recent pics....

Well, it's been a fairly quiet September for our family so I haven't had much of an opportunity to use the camera.  I did get a few cute pictures that I wanted to share.  On Labor Day we got together in Hermiston with my brother's family and my sister's family.  It had been a while since we spent any time together so we had a fun day.  My nephew, Hinkley, is a couple of months older than Clara so the two of them were very interested in each other.

I love this picture of Clara and Hinkley checking each other out -
Yesterday was the Primary program at Church.  The girls were excited but a bit nervous so they got dressed up and I snapped a picture of them before we left.  What pretty daughters I have!
Unfortunately, halfway through Church Clara tripped while we were standing in the foyer and slammed her head against the frame of a doorway.  Oh my goodness was it traumatic!  She had an immediate goose egg on her forehead and she was screaming hysterically.  Poor sweetie - a few of my friends helped to keep me calm and one grabbed some ice from the kitchen.  Thankfully, the Bishop of the other ward is a doctor and he took a quick look at her and pronounced her fine, except for the ugly bruise and probably a black eye to come.  We brought her home and gave her some Tylenol and she took a long nap.  She woke up happy and her normal self so we'll see what the next couple of days bring.  It's a lot easier to stay calm when we are at Church as opposed to us being at home where Mom would have had a melt down! :)
We are thankful that Fall has arrived in the Grande Ronde Valley and we are looking forward to the coming weeks to enjoy the new season!

1 comment:

Shellie and Joshua said...

Poor baby Clara! She looks so cute in the picture of the owie. I hope you still got to see the Primary Program!