Fall Colors

Fall Colors
"The greatest work you will ever do will be within the walls of your own home." - Harold B. Lee

Monday, February 21, 2011

Our News

I realize that it has been since January 1st since I last blogged about the Perry Family.  It's been a long couple of months for us.  Mark was gone to Minnesota for two weeks after his dad passed away.  The girls and I were at home by ourselves and not really doing very much.  Then Mark had to be gone for another week for some work business.  The weather has been cold, we had some colds and flu bugs, and I have been feeling a little depressed about turning 34 in January!   Needless to say, things have been rather quiet in our household and we haven't had much to blog about.  However, spring is around the corner and we are anxious to get out and do things and enjoy being with each other.  Plus.....we are expecting our third baby!  After Christmas we were completely shocked to discover that we were pregnant!  We tried for a few years and had very prayerfully come to accept that Heavenly Father had blessed us with two beautiful daughters and that was enough.  There were a lot of tears but eventually we felt peace with our happy family of four.  What we have learned is that our plan was not THE plan for us and we have been blessed yet again!  Unfortunately, the morning sickness has been hard to overcome and I am feeling ill almost 24 hours a day.  I have missed a lot of church, a lot of playdates and other activities which I hate to do.  I am optimistic, though, and hoping that things will be back to normal in a few short weeks!  So, here's to more blogging and more updates from our family to yours!


Jack and Mel said...

Congratulations!!! We are so happy for your family! We miss you guys!! Tell the girls I say hi!!!

Marisha said...
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Marisha said...

YAY!!! So excited for you! Can't wait to see this little one already!

PBJKLI Ussery said...

Oh! Congratulations you guys!! That IS exciting news. When is this little bundle of joy due? I hope the morning sickness subsides soon so you can get back to just enjoying those beautiful girls! Give Emma & Sam hugs from me. We miss you guys!

Kellye said...

Yeah! Congratulations! I'm sorry you are sick, but I hope things work out great for you! Maybe a boy? I only say that because I would love a girl...I'm just the opposite of you!

Kim and Jim said...

I know I already congratulated you, but I am just so excited- so, Congrats!! And, I too am dreading turning 34. Ever since turning 30, I just feel like every year the number gets so much bigger. Oh well, I guess you are only as old as you feel... I don't feel much different than when we were all at LDSBC (especially when we all get together again), how about you?

My heart went out to you when I heard about all the trips Mark had to go on, and how you had to be by yourselves for that long. 3 weeks is a long time!! I hate it when Jim and I have to be apart for just a night or two. Hopefully Mark doesn't have to go on work trips too often.

I hope you'll keep me posted on all the pregnancy news. Like, for starters, when is your due date?

Jenny said...

Oh Wendie I am soooo excited for you! This is wonderful! What a blessing. I hope you are over the sickness by now and feeling great. Love ya!